
All treatments require a minimum of £10 deposit on booking. Should you cancel/reschedule more than 48 hours prior to your booking date the value of your deposit will be added to your account for use on future treatments. Should you cancel after 48 hours your deposit will be retained

gel removal

This treatment is an all-rounder and works for all skin types and skin concerns


Benefits Include:

  • Removing excessive oil & sebum

  • Refining and minimising enlarged pores

  • Lessening the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles

  • Reducing live acne

  • Reducing scarring

  • Reducing pigmentation

  • Eliminates blackheads & dead skin cells

  • Stimulates collagen production

To achieve optimal results we recommend a course of 3-6 treatments, spaced 14 day intervals.


Carbon laser facial Treatment price

Mini Carbon Laser Facial (1 pass 30mins) £60
Carbon Laser facial (1 pass Inc mask and scalp massage 60 mins) £80
Carbon Laser Facial (2 pass Inc Collagen and Elastin Regeneration 60mins) £90
6 x Collagen and Elastin Fibre Regeneration package £500 either 1 a month or 2 each month over 3 months
12 x Collagen and Elastin Fibre Regeneration package £1000 this is 2 x facials a month over 6 months

                                                                                                                                                                 There are 2 types of Carbon laser facial.

1) Is the carbon laser facial which is the standard ‘china doll’ facial that applies the paste and has only one pass that can be done in either a half hour slot or and hour and usually a one off treatment to be promoted before weddings and holidays or special events (recommended a week before event) to effectively remove the dead skin cells and vaporising black and white heads as it is only penetrating the top of the dermal layer. No reoccurring treatments needed however you could have one of these facials every 2-3 weeks or once a month if the client wished

2) Has the carbon laser beginning part but then has a further second pass without the carbon laser paste to promote micro injury to the collagen and elastin fibres that are deeper in the dermis thus helping to kick start collagen renewal which they call this a ‘Collagen Regenaration Programme’ as this type of facial you would have 1-2 times a month for 6 months (leaving at least 2 weeks inbetween treatments)

Popular with celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston as well as our lovely clients, love the Carbon Laser Facial is a treatment that instantly reduces skin concerns such as acne and pigmentation and leaves the skin visibly brighter, clearer and smoother.
Dubbed “The Hollywood Peel” due to its immediate positive effects without any down-time or discomfort as a result, it’s now being used by many celebs just before a red-carpet event!
It exfoliates the skin four times deeper than a peel, but it is completely non-invasive.The first stage of the treatment involves applying a layer of liquid carbon to the face. This penetrates deeply into the pores, absorbing oil and dead skin cells. The laser targets and destroys the carbon particles, taking dead skin cells with it. The heat produced from the laser reduces the bacteria responsible for acne and shrinks the sebaceous glands, reducing oil production in the skin,it gently targets the melanin (pigmentation) in the cells breaking it up for your body’s natural removal process through the lymphatic system. Then it heats deep in the dermis causing the skin to contract and stimulate collagen and elastin production.

Find out more about us here 

carbon laser facial